Chairman’s Christmas Message

Chairman’s Christmas Message

Well here we are again, almost at the end of another year and this has been more special than most as we conclude our 100th year since the clubs formation in 1923.

What a fantastic year of celebration we have had. It was great to welcome FC Normannia and FC Bargau to Barnsley and it was fantastic to play them at The Totally Training Stadium in the summer. We were also fortunate to welcome Danny Wilson as our special guest in the game against Parkgate FC. I hope that everyone who has been part of the year enjoyed it, I think it showed a lot about us as a community football club.

As I reflect back on 2023 I have as always a lot of people that I want to say thank you to. As always I have to start with the team behind the team, the people who help to keep the club running. Ray Pinder, Stuart Grimshaw, Jon Child, Derren Trevy and the semi retired Ralph Oldham are massively important to everything we do, without those people we simply don’t operate and I am grateful to have them as part of the team.

I also want to thank some fantastic sponsors, AA Construction Support Solutions, Totally Training and Wholesolar have been massive supporters, investing considerable money into the club. Tony McDonald has been a great supporter, not just financially across a number of our teams in the club, but with his matchday support cheering on the team home and away.

As I look a matters on the pitch, it was great to welcome Kev, Darryl and Scott to our junior set up. It has been a difficult start with the atrocious weather but they have settled well and there are some good little players that will hopefully become Briggers 1st team players for the future. In a similar vain the weather has not helped Darren and his U18’s or Carl and Ade with the U21’s – I know how frustrating it has been for them when they work so hard to get players ready, only to be scuppered by the poor weather, and I hope for all our teams that 2024 will be kinder and the teams can gain some momentum and play on a more regular basis.

And so to the 1st team.

First of all I want to take some time to say a huge thank you to Luke Forgione and James Ritchie who left the club in September after nearly 3 years. On a personal level I thoroughly enjoyed working with them and I know how hard they worked to bring the club success. Luke is a Briggers legend in my opinion having played, captained, coached and managed the club and will always be welcome and it has been great to see him at games as a fan.

I was really pleased to be able to welcome back Lee Morris and Rhys Meynell. The quality of candidates this time round was the best in my time, and ultimately the decision came down to trust and the personal relationship between Chairman and the management team. I know that both Lee and Rhys are winners, and despite some people’s reservations you have to back your gut instinct and I would like to think over my tenure I haven’t made to many of the big decisions wrong. I genuinely believe that this years playing squad is one of the best in my time, they haven’t always had the luck they deserve but they are a strong group that seem to be able to bounce back, regardless of any set backs and I know that they will go out and give their best for the club. They are a credit to the Briggers shirt.

And finally, and most importantly a massive thank you to every single supporter of the club. The people who pay their money week after week home and away, often in bad weather, miles away from home – you are the club, without your support we are nothing. In 5 years to see our attendance reach nearly an average of 200 is something we should be proud of, if we reflect back to past years attendances over a 100 were few and far between, we are now disappointed if we get less than 100!

On behalf of myself and all the committee and volunteers I want to wish every player, manager, coach, sponsor and supporter a happy and healthy Christmas and I hope together we can look to a positive (and drier) 2024!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support.

Mark Booth (WBAFC Chairman)

One response to “Chairman’s Christmas Message”

  1. Thank you Mark for your hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to the club. None league football is a real challenge at the moment especially during the recent awful weather conditions and you and your helpers deserve a big thank you from our loyal band of supporters.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Footballing Year.

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