Lee Morris Update

Lee Morris Update

With planning for next season underway both on and off the pitch we caught up with the Briggers boss Lee Morris following yesterday’s announcement that player-coach Joe Thornton was returning to Handsworth FC for an update.

Following yesterday’s news that Joe Thornton is to return to Handsworth to join Russ Eagle what are your plans?

LM – Its a great opportunity for Joe at a club he knows well so it was wasn’t a big shock. It was disappointing as Joe has been great for the club on and off the pitch. Over the last couple of weeks I have been looking to bring new people into the management team and have already had some good conversations and have a few things in the pipeline which I hope I can announce in the next few weeks.

You say you have a couple of new faces in the pipeline, are you looking for anymore support in your management team?

LM – I am always on the look out for people who can bring something to the management / coaching / backroom team. I want us to be strong on and off the pitch so if there is anyone out there that is interested in joining us I would ask them to get in touch with me direct and we can have a chat.

I know it’s early days but what about players?

LM – Yes very early we haven’t played our last league game yet! I am in regular contact with the Chairman and am keeping in touch with the players. We know where we want to strengthen and improve next season and I have some targets in mind, but that will unfold over the next few months.


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